And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9
What a lovely scripture. What an often quoted scripture. What an often misused cop-out scripture. "I'm just waiting on the Lord. Wait on the Lord and be of good courage" Sounds good, but if a person isn't careful they'll die waiting. I've known so many people to use a scripture as a reason to do nothing, but I'm crazy enough to believe you can influence and actually accelerate
your due season.
I've known people interested in getting a degree who have enrolled in accelerated courses and invested more time and effort in the short run so they woudldnt have to wait in the long run for due season to arrive. Yeah they could have waded through traditional semesters and delayed
their due season but they took the initiative and accelerated it instead.
I've known people who have not grown weary in attending Church and did not faint, but regularly asked God for what they wanted, but they were passive in aggressively pursuing, or sowing for what they said they wanted, and never picked up the answer. Some business establishments like cleaners and repair shops have what they call unclaimed merchandise. I believe their are a lot of unclaimed answered prayers. (Off on a tangent here)
OK I'm back. The next time someone gets deep with you about what they're believing God for, ask them what they're doing to show they believe. Ask them what are they doing to accelerate their due season.